Sunday, January 15, 2012

Honey Facial Masks

Everyone knows that honey is a natural sweetener produced by bees, but did you know that honey is excellent for the skin? Review of ancient Greek culture, is known to keep your skin clear and smooth was a high priority. They used honey and olive oil for cleaning and moisturizing the skin. Egypt's history informs us that the Egyptians used honey as a medicine, applying it to the courts, to prevent bacteria. It also refers to Cleopatra as the use of honey in the bathroom to keep your skin smooth and firm.

Today, most include honey facial masks. Natural antioxidants of honey and anti-microbial properties acts as a sunscreen, helps the skin to refresh depleted skin so it feels silky smooth and revitalized. Honey is suitable for all skin types, even those with sensitive skin and acne. Homemade facial masks are often better for your skin than buying expensive items. Not only can you save money by making the formula in your home, you also know that your recipe does not contain preservatives. It is completely natural. Read More

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