Sunday, September 23, 2012

Parts of a Facial Care Beauty

Due to the hectic pace of life in the new millennium, many women have found themselves caught in the rat pace so they have little time to make a good beauty regime face. In fact, for most women, their beauty routine largely in their face wash in the morning, hitting the makeup and wash your face again in the evening to remove said makeup. Unfortunately, just wash your face with soap and water is not enough according to your precious skin the care it deserves.

If you want a complete and correct care regimen of facial beauty, it should be composed of four parts, namely cleansing, exfoliating, toning, moisturizing and. At the very least, you will only need to do these four parts in the evening, but it is better if you can do twice a day. Let us discuss these parts one by one.

Cleaning is used to remove dirt and oils that have accumulated on your face, be it while you are at work or while you slept. The first part of cleaning is to wash your face with warm water and mild soap to get more dirt and makeup from the surface of your skin. For deep seated dirt, oils and cosmetics, the next step would be to use a cleansing cream or lotion on your face and neck. Do not just hit the cream on your face. Massage the cream into your skin in an upward motion and circular. This will prevent the skin from sagging. Remove the cleaning cream with a clean handkerchief and wipes or wet again, and circular upward motions.Read More

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