Monday, June 18, 2012

Mineral Makeup Tips

If you have a problem with mineral makeup, these tips will help you achieve the impressive look you want! If you have dry skin, oily skin, acne or other problems, an experience that can look great if you follow these simple tips.

Tips for your skin type:

Dry skin

If you have dry skin, make sure your skin is adequately hydrated before applying makeup mineral free, not to become flaky. You may also gently exfoliates and night to remove excess dead skin cells that accumulate dry skin. Be sure to use skin care products designed for dry skin too.

Oily skin

If you have oily skin, applying a layer of mineral veil on the skin under the foundation will give you the additional absorption of oil and help keep your face looking shiny. Be sure to use a gentle cleanser that is not too drying, you can make your skin more fat as it fights dryness and irritation.Read More

1 comment:

  1. Hello All,

    Mineral makeup of natural minerals from the earth, fine ground up. There are not any dyes or chemical that you find in other makeup. If your skin is sensitive, mineral makeup is the best type of makeup you can find. Even if you battle acne or discoloration from rosacea, mineral makeup has a much lower incidence of skin reactions. This is because the ingredients are inert and don’t contain harmful by-products. Mineral makeup will also give a skin a “glow”. By simply using mineral powder in place of foundation. Thank you...
